The true story of the quartet of Liverpool told by Brian Epstein, the fifth Beatle. He made his debut in October 2000 at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan and is enjoying great success in all the most important Italian theaters. It’s called Eppy: the musical that traces the incredible artistic adventure of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr through the figure of their manager Brian Epstein, Eppy for friends. If anyone can be called the fifth Beatle, it was Brian said Paul McCartney in 1997 and now the musical Eppy wants to celebrate this character in the birth of the Fab Four and their unstoppable career. The debut of the musical, also, is then carried out in a very special day: 5 October.
In fact, 5 October 1962 came the first 45 laps of the Beatles “Love me do”, which marks the start of their meteoric career. Romy Padovano, the author and director of the show, says the last night of Brian Epstein (it will be found who committed suicide on August 27, ’67). In the two hours of the show Eppy traces, along with his female alter-ego, the stages of his life tied hand in glove with that of the four Beatles. (January 2001)